Monday, December 31, 2007

Shopping Spree

Today me and all my boys went on a shopping spree. Austin had gift cards galore and he wanted to go to toys r us to spend them on legos. He got most of the mission to mars collection as dino attack is no longer being made.

We then went to Hobby Lobby where I got yarn to start a new sweater, and stickers, paper, and a paper punch (all 50% off today!). I splurged and got a photo organizer that was on sale for $2 there too. Then I went to Walgreens and picked up my 81 pictures order for 10 cents a print! No shipping either! Check it out it's only for this week only.

I dropped Liam off at home for a nap and went back out to Hancock FAbrics for elastic (half off), black buttons (ditto), fabric for Taylor's leotard (ditto), needles, bobbins, and bobbin case (all half off). I got green velvet to make a long sleeved baby doll top and used my 40% off coupon. I'm so excited. Now...if only I can get my serger to work that would be great.

If you have a serger, let me know what it is and if you like it. I think I'm ready to stop fighting my old one. I'll have to teach some sewing classes to pay for it, but it's worth it to me.

Anyway, that was my day. I came home to a yummy roast in the crock pot, steamed some rice and made a spinach casserole and in between played backgammon with Dylan, fed, changed and played with a baby, styled Taylor's hair, and ran 1.5 miles! Whew! I'm tired.

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